Government’s budget draft includes many includes several investments to employment, climate, knowledge, communal services, and competitive industries. Some actions directly relate to mitigation of climate change emissions (

(Photo by Taneli Lahtinen on Unsplash)
  • 0.9-1.2 billion euros to sustainable growth and green transition
  • Founding of “Ilmastorahasto Oy” (Climate Fund Ltd.)
  • Supporting transition to low emission transport by tax reform of employment related benefits from the beginning of 2021

In addition to this, Minstry of Transport and Communications (MinTC) has proposed several actions to support climate strategy. MinTC applies for 3.45 billion of total funding, of which 1.37 billion would be assigned to maintenance of transport infra, taking climate change mitigation into account. Alongside new corridors, several actions are to be taken to support climate strategy (

  • Walking, bicycling and public transport are supported with 28.5 million euros.
  • 20 million euros is assigned to major cities to speed up the uptake of servitization and digitalization of transport
  • Purchase of electric vehicles is subsidized with 6 million euros.

Public sector is major procurer of transport and logistics services. Thus, it should be on the frontline of adapting new solutions that promote greener transport and implement governmental actions. In addition, a definitive framework is defined by Clean Vehicles Directive, which promotes clean mobility solutions in public procurement tenders.

All actions should be based on the effectiveness. Vediafi Ltd. has developed a new tool, Clean Vehicle Wizard , to assess the current state of fleet emissions and to promote clean vehicles in public tenders and upcoming EU level clean vehicle directive.

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