In collaboration with other FEDeRATED project members, Vediafi participated in writing an article that clarifies and summarizes how digitalization and data sharing in logistics will affect sustainability. The original article was published at the end of May 2021.  In addition, the article is shared in several other media:, cyprusshippingnews, Smart maritime network. The article points out that there are several emission mitigation actions, which are all needed to cut down the supply chain emissions. Data sharing especially in multimodal transportation is one enabler that will help to boost sustainable development. 

Future data sharing

The FEDeRATED project is working under EU DTLF. It is developing future data sharing, semantics, and governance model for multimodal logistics at the EU level. During the project vision and masterplan phases 2019-2020, Vediafi was one of the active promoters of sustainability and green issues in FEDeRATED consortium. Now we are very happy that sustainability is strongly engaged in FEDeRATED work.

In FEDeRATED it is all about fluent and effective data sharing. Vediafi approaches this topic via the CaaS concept, which fits well in line with FEDeRATED vision. For Vedia, the CaaS concept presents the way of thinking and steers to the future vision. However, the CaaS concept is still in the development phase and it will take some time before pure vision can be achieved. For us, this means that there is still a lot of work to do, but the direction is certainly right.

While the conceptual level of CaaS is still in the R&D phase, Vedia has found its commercial path under the CaaS concept by focusing on sustainability and CO2 emissions. Vediafi’s Clean Vehicles Wizard is a SaaS solution that is for public organizations and companies, who want to monitor, control and manage their fleet emissions. And since the beginning of June, a free demo version of CVW has been available for everybody. And surprisingly, CVW utilizes data and is built upon data sharing between stakeholders.

Reporting as a Service

Currently, CVW offers fleet emission monitoring, reporting, and control functionalities. It is developed in compliance with the Clean Vehicles Directive, which enters into force 2nd of August 2021. In Vedia, we call this functionality Reporting as a Service. Now we are working with the next main functionality, Monitoring as a Service, which is now in the pilot phase. This will include vehicle emission and performance monitoring from the real environment, which will then enrich our current vehicle emission database. Right now we have about 120 000 vehicle model emissions around the EU in that database. In the future, this will be connected to FEDeRATED approach for multimodal supply chains, and other wider data sharing layers. Then we can say that we have reached the vision of sustainable CaaS service.

So for us, the data sharing and CaaS concept are describing the future. However, sustainability and controlled emission mitigation are giving the business.   

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