In 11.12.2020 EU Heads of State or Government agreed a new (as well as more ambitious) net greenhouse gas emissions reduction target for 2030. The goal is to reduce emissions by at least 55% compared to 1990 levels. According to President Ursula von der Leyen “agreement puts us on a clear path towards climate neutrality in 2050”. She further continued: “It gives certainty to investors, to businesses, to public authorities and to citizens.” (read more: Daily News 11 / 12 / 2020 ( As transport is a major contributor to greenhouse gases, this further increases the pressure towards cleaner logistics and passenger transport. Whether you are procuring logistics services or maintaining your own fleet, there are three easy steps to support emission targets:
1. Know your fleet
2. Make informed procurement decisions
3. Follow progress

Vedia Clean Vehicle Wizard (CVW) and Carbonose enables managing transport related emissions
Clean Vehicle Wizard (CVW) gives companies and municipalities a way to manage their vehicle fleet emissions and act on it. It is an online application that helps organizations to monitor CO2 emissions of vehicle fleets and quickly check your compliance with legal requirements. Know your fleet, use CVW.
Whereas CVW is based on vehicle data, Carbonose is a standalone solution for measuring CO2 emissions in certain measurement point-of-interest like city area, site, logistics center or other transport nodal point. With Carbonose you get reliable picture of emissions in certain area or build a network of sensors for “CO2 weather”.