The current crisis in Ukraine has demonstrated the reliance on Russian fossil fuels and gas. Various European governments now aim to move away from fossil fuels originating from Russia. At the same time, the new EU “Clean Vehicles Directive” came into force in August 2021, which defines “clean vehicles” and sets national targets for their public procurement.
Vediafi Oy’s Clean Vehicle Wizard (CVW) tool enables you to manage your fleet in a sustainable way. The CVW tool is also a great opportunity to enhance your image by improving your sustainability.
The CVW tool enables you to:
- Get an improved overview of your fleet including its vehicle data and manage it more sustainably.
- Track, analyse and reduce the fuel consumption of your vehicles. This will reduce the high costs caused by the current high fuel prices.
- Plan the renewal of your fleet in an intelligent and sustainable way.
- Consider emissions when procuring new vehicles.
- Get reporting on the requirements of the EU Clean Vehicles Directive.
- Use vehicle data to calculate emissions under Scope 1, 2 or 3 of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol.
- Improve your image to the public and investors.
Vehicle level approach
The CVW makes it easy to find the biggest problems and challenges. This allows you to achieve quick wins, but also to support what is known as strategic sustainable development in the long term, where CVW provides more detailed data for intelligent decision making. Moreover, the CVW provides you with comprehensive data for smart acquisition and procurement decision making.
The Clean Vehicle Mobile (CVM) tool is a digital logbook that, in conjunction with the CVW, makes it easy for you to record and report your trips. Operating the CVM allows you to accurately track, analyse and reduce your fuel consumption and emissions. At the same time, the trackers provide you with a wider up-to-date overview of the individual vehicles in your fleet. This allows your staff to record journeys at the touch of a button while you are spared from the tedious task of keeping paper records.
About Vediafi Oy
Vediafi Oy is a Finnish company based in Helsinki specialising in sustainable solutions for fleet management, logistics and locations. These solutions bring together our extensive expertise in mobile services, IoT and location-based solutions, and data-driven products and services.
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Felix Bloch