Vedia Drive is a comprehensive solution for digitalizing your supply chains. It covers tracking & tracing, emission monitoring, transparency and data sharing of your supply chains, fleet, cargo, and assets.

Choose optimal solution based on needed capabilities:
- Tracking and location
- Secure shipment
- Better security
- Estimated time of arrival
- Geofencing and alarms
- Web based management software
- Routing
- Automated emission management with Clean Vehicle Wizard service
- Carbon footprint calculation (NEW)
Vedia Drive combines backend systems to devices on web application which enables supply chain, fleet, container and asset management. With profound and secure data sharing solutions Drive offers also possibility to share this useful data among supply chains stakeholders. With tracking and tracing features cargo units registered on the web application are displayed over a detailed map, reporting their status and conditions in real time. This information can also be transferred to carbon footprint calculations.
All devices are connected to Vedia Drive web application which enables fleet, container and asset management. Cargo units registered on the web application are displayed over a detailed map, reporting their status and conditions in real time. The application is browser based and can be used from any computer or mobile device. The application provides operational reports as well as documents statistics.
TETIS container security
(container door status, basic electronic sealing)
Container/trailer etc. transport unit
Main features
Mode of transport
LOKIES electric seal
Container/trailer etc. transport unit
Main features
Mode of transport
KYLOS asset tracker
Container/trailer<br>etc. transport unit
Parcel/pallet etc.
Mode of transport
Helios Vehicle tracker
CaaS Drive provides transparency and manageability for logistics. We provide a cost efficient solution based on customer requirements, wich can also be linked to other Vedia services, such as CVW.